Breathe Easy and Promote Respiratory Health During Times of Seasonal Challenges*

You take as many as 28,800 breaths a day, but you likely don’t ever notice until it becomes a challenge to do so because of irritants and external stressors. Support the health of your lungs and bronchial passageways with this unique blend of time-tested, ancient botanicals.

  • Respiratory Support is a unique blend of ancient botanicals known for their exceptional ability to help you breathe easy, while providing antioxidant and respiratory support when you encounter seasonal challenges.*
  • Sustainably sourced, our formula provides you with the extra effective support and soothing comfort you may need during the fall and winter months.
  • To provide you with optimal bioactivity, the concentrated botanicals are gently extracted using water.

As summer activities wind down, many people look forward to the change in seasons and pace of lifestyle that accompany fall and winter.

For children and young adults, classes and sports resume. Parents and adults of all ages settle into routines, which typically bring them back indoors and in close contact with others.

While exciting, these changes can have a dark side. Fall and winter often mean fresh and renewed challenges to your health – and a scramble to find ways to safeguard your respiratory health and provide yourself with soothing comfort.

Many factors not only leave you exposed to seasonal challenges but can actually heighten your vulnerability to them…

  • A depressed immune system, simply from growing older
  • Hidden nutritional deficiencies, especially from eating a processed and non-organic diet with unhealthy seed oils, excess sugars, pesticides and herbicides
  • Less-than-optimal gut health from poor diet, gastrointestinal assaults and other factors
  • Emotional or physical stress
  • Not getting enough restful sleep
  • Exposure to toxins, such as mold and other pollutants
  • Fatigue due to traveling and an over-active lifestyle

So, what can you do to help maintain your health during these challenging times – and to feel better fast when seasonal challenges get you down, leaving you feeling achy, congested, tired and generally lousy?

There are, of course, common-sense preventative actions you can – and should – take, such as eating healthy foods, reducing sugar and seed oils, making sleep a priority and getting enough daily movement and exercise.

And there are valuable botanicals that have been discovered and verified for efficacy over the years that can be valuable tools for helping you maintain optimal respiratory health and provide comfort when you need it most.

But first, let’s gain a deeper understanding of how your respiratory system works…

Woman deep breathing

A Primer on Your Respiratory System

Did you know that you take between 17,280 and 28,800 breaths every day – or about 12 to 20 breaths a minute? Most likely you don’t pay much attention, but your respiratory system works hard to keep you alive. It consists of a network of organs and tissues that help you breathe.

Most importantly, this system helps your body absorb oxygen from the air and discharge waste gases, such as carbon dioxide, from your blood.

There are many parts of your respiratory system that work together to accomplish this:

  • Your nose, mouth and throat (pharynx)
  • The voice box (larynx) and windpipe (trachea)
  • Your large airways (bronchi)
  • Your small airways (bronchioles)
  • The muscles that power your lungs
  • The surrounding blood vessels

The upper respiratory tract is made up of your nose, nasal cavity, sinuses, larynx and trachea. Your lower respiratory tract consists of your lungs, bronchi and bronchioles, and your air sacs, or alveoli.

As you move down your throat and trachea and into your bronchi and the branched bronchioles, your air passages become smaller and smaller. Once you reach your alveoli, or air sacs, there is much greater surface area for respiratory processes during which your blood supply comes into contact with the outside air.

An intricate network of capillaries surrounds your alveoli, allowing for the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen, as well as other elements in the air, healthy or otherwise.

Why Healthy Airway Passages Matter for Lung Health

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the lungs are viewed as a mountain, whose rivers and streams carry water to all the surrounding areas.

The “rivers and stream” are the blood and other tissue fluids that are transported as part of your pulmonary circulation – the system consisting of blood vessels forming a closed circuit between your heart and lungs that supply your tissues with oxygen and protective white blood cells.

While in your lungs, blood enters your pulmonary capillaries, where it releases carbon monoxide and is replenished with oxygen before being circulated throughout your body.

As we’ve seen, your alveoli provide an abundance of surface area for your body to interact with elements from the outside environment – about 75 square meters or 807 square feet, making your lungs a primary part of your body’s detoxification network.

Here’s where the health of your respiratory system comes into play…

Your lungs can only function as well as the health of your airway passages.

In TCM, the lungs are considered a delicate organ, making them especially susceptible to dryness – a characteristic of autumn. Because of their delicacy, lung tissues can also be easily injured by stress, trauma, hypersensitivity reactions or toxic insult.

All this surface area – and the direct exposure to the exterior environment – means your body can end up struggling to maintain optimal lung function. Inhaled threats, irritants or allergens can easily damage your lungs and impact your health.

Especially during the fall and winter months, it’s important to give your respiratory system the extra support it may need to maintain optimal health.

Warming foods and drinks, such as soups and hot teas, as well as certain herbs, can help as you move into the cooler months – especially botanicals that have a long history of traditional use for respiratory well-being.

Woman exercise yoga

‘Herbal Support in a Capsule’ to Help You Breathe Easy

So, what are some of the ways herbs may benefit your respiratory system? Certain herbs can help…

Respiratory Support
  • Soothe throat and lung tissues.
  • Promote a healthy normal release of histamine.
  • Support lung and bronchial passageway health.
  • Promote a relaxed and open bronchial network.
  • Nourish and strengthen the respiratory system.

We’ve formulated a unique ‘herbal support in a capsule’ to help you take control of your respiratory health, especially during times of seasonal challenges.

Respiratory Support is a blend of four botanicals that have a long, proven history: Organic Horehound, Organic Marshmallow, Elecampane and Organic Ivy Leaf.

While you may not be familiar with all of these plants, you’ll soon see they may be some of the most valuable botanicals ever discovered for respiratory health.

Let’s take an up-close look at each one…

Organic Horehound for Healthy Mucus and Respiratory Function*

A perennial herb that grows in the wild throughout Europe and Asia – and now naturalized in the United States, horehound (Marrubium vulgare) was reportedly first used in ancient Rome by the physician Galen, who recommended it for respiratory health.*

Its name is believed to have originated from an ancient town in Italy… or linked to the Hebrew word marrob for a “bitter juice” – and thought to be one of the bitter herbs of Passover.

Later, native peoples in North America prepared infusions of horehound to treat respiratory concerns. And during the 19th century, American physicians who recommended herbs remarked on the value of horehound for their patients as well.

More recently, extensive phytochemical studies confirm the potential value of horehound for respiratory health – and its use by early health practitioners.

Horehound has been found to contain over 54 secondary metabolites, including diterpenes, sesquiterpenes, flavonoids and phenylpropanoids.

The most valuable active constituent is a diterpene called marrubiin, which has been shown to support the respiratory tract and respiratory function, including healthy mucus function.*

As an herb, horehound helps loosen and thin bronchial and lung secretions, promoting the elimination of mucus.*

Marrubiin is what gives horehound its bitter taste and its precursor, premarrubin, is an herbal bitter that increases the flow of saliva, gastric juice and bile from your liver, making it serve double-duty as a bitter digestive tonic.

Digestive tonics or aromatic bitters can be helpful for improving digestion and relieving excessive gas. It is believed that bitters work, at least in part, by helping to relieve spasms in your intestinal tract.*

Horehound also contains natural antioxidants that help your body scavenge damaging free radicals.*

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow Root Extract for Its Soothing Mucilage

Upon hearing the word “marshmallow,” you most likely envision fluffy white puffs roasting over a campfire.

While marshmallow candy was originally made from marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis), candy manufacturers now make the confection from sugar and gelatin and skip this herb entirely.

A member of the mucilage-heavy Malvaceae family, Althaea officinalis is an herbaceous perennial that can be found growing alongside marshes, seas, riverbanks, and other equally damp areas.

The flowers, root and leaves of the marshmallow plant have been used for millennia as edible food. Considered a delicacy, ‘mallow’ was boiled and fried with onions and butter in the Arabic speaking countries of the middle east and Asia in times of famine or crop failure.

Valued by the ancient Greeks, the brown fibrous marshmallow root has been used as a for at least 2,000 years. Its use spread from Greece to Arabia and India, where it became an important herb in the Ayurvedic and Unani traditions.

So, what makes marshmallow potentially valuable for respiratory health?

Marshmallow root’s most valuable contribution to respiratory health comes from its mucilage polysaccharides, or sap-like substance, that the plant produces. It also contains antioxidant flavonoids, coumarins, quercetin, tannins and volatile oil.

The roots contain a greater amount of mucilage than the leaves, so early practitioners gave patients marshmallow root to soothe and moisten mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts.*

Here are some of the ways marshmallow root may support respiratory health:

  • Has a soothing effect and helps protect tissues from irritants
  • Appears to act as an enzyme to loosen mucous
  • Moistens and soothes mucous membranes of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts

Finally, according to the early herbalists Paul Bergner and Simon Mills, marshmallow root may stimulate a "vital reflex" that instructs the body to moisten the mucous membranes.*

The Original Respiratory Tonic: Elecampane Root Extract

There’s a good chance you’ve never heard of elecampane, which also goes by the equally strange-sounding names of elfwort, elfdock, scabwort, horseheal and yellow starwort.

According to old folklore, "elf wort" was thought to heal magical wounds from the arrow of an elf, and Anglo Saxons actually used it to treat illness caused by elf arrows.

A member of the same plant family as sunflowers, elecampane (Inula helenium) is native to Asia as well as southern and eastern Europe but is now widely found in North America.

Legend has it that Helen of Troy, the fabled beauty of ancient Greece who the plant was named after, was carrying a bunch of elecampane flowers when she was captured by Paris, the son of the Trojan king Praim, who took her to Troy.

Yet another legend claims the flower sprung up everywhere her tears fell as Helen was abducted from Sparta.

Traditionally used for respiratory and stomach issues, cut and dried elecampane root is believed to be rejuvenating and strengthening for the entire respiratory system.

With a very long history of use, elecampane’s many purported benefits were recognized by the Ancient Greeks and Romans who used it as a health tonic. Later, European practitioners gave their patients elecampane for respiratory and digestive issues. In the 1800s, lozenges and drops were made from the root.

Elecampane is also part of Traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic health systems.

Cut and dried elecampane root and rhizome naturally contain compounds including inulin, lactone, phenolic acid, flavonoids and bitters, which may help…

  • Soothe irritated bronchi and bronchioles.*
  • Support normal mucus production.*
  • Reduce bronchial secretions and promote comfortable breathing.*
  • Support a healthy gut flora.*
  • Soothe digestive issues due to its carminative (gas-relieving) properties.*
  • Support an already normal inflammatory response.*

The prebiotic inulin is a favorite food of probiotics, including Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. By supporting colonies of beneficial bacteria in the gut, you encourage healthy bowels. This in turn promotes nutrient absorption and proper digestive function.


Sustainable and Organic Ivy Leaf Extract for Respiratory Well-Being

Ancient civilizations held ivy leaves in high regard for many different reasons…

  • Formed both the poet’s crown and the wreath of the Greek god of wine, Dionysus – the ancient Greeks believed that binding the forehead with ivy leaves would prevent the effects of inebriation.
  • Traditionally regarded as a symbol of fidelity – Greek priests would present a wreath of ivy to newlyweds.
  • Considered to be an exceptional feed for cattle by the Romans

Native to Europe and Africa, the wild ivy leaf plant (Hedera helix) naturally grows and climbs on evergreen oaks and cedar trees. Traditional herbalists have used ivy for a number of issues, including respiratory concerns.*

Wild ivy leaf contains many compounds, including an extremely rich supply of saponins. High-quality ivy leaf extract contains 5 to 8% saponins. Saponins promote the activation of cells in the lungs to support healthy mucus production and to help discharge excess mucus in the respiratory tract.*

Other constituents in the leaf include an alkaloid called emetine that may help explain its traditional use for promoting mucus discharge.*

Best of all, there are now clinical studies to confirm the superior benefits of ivy leaf extract for respiratory well-being.*In one study, patients were asked to rate how well ivy leaf extract worked for their symptoms, and 90% rated it as ‘very good’ or ‘good’ after seven to 10 days of use.*

Another study found that ivy leaf extract had a positive effect on airflow into the lungs after only three days of use.*

While researchers don’t fully understand how ivy leaf works to support your respiratory health, lab studies suggest it may help widen air passage in the lungs and stimulate the bronchial glands to secrete fluids.*

Animal studies have shown the saponins in ivy extract prevent the spasm of muscles in the bronchial area and may even support the normal function of the immune system.*

6 Ways Respiratory Support Stands Apart from Other Respiratory Formulas

So how does Respiratory Support compare to other lung and bronchial passageway support formulas? Our…

  1. Herbs are gently processed using mostly water; Ivy Leaf requires a 70% water and 30% ethanol extraction process to optimize the collection of its naturally occurring constituents.
  2. Marshmallow Root is fully water extracted, and Horehound and Elecampane are triple-water extracted.
  3. Horehound Whole Plant Extract, Marshmallow Root Extract and Ivy Leaf Extract are organic.
  4. Ivy Leaf is wild collected in the Balkans and Atlas Mountains of Africa, and naturally regenerates after harvest.
  5. Elecampane Root is harvested in autumn from two to three-year-old plants.
  6. Ivy Leaf supplier works closely with cooperatives and growers to ensure sustainability and quality of the leaves in addition to ensuring fair trade work for farmers year-round.

I think you’ll agree – you won’t find a more responsible and effective blend on the market to support your respiratory health.

Please note: If you are allergic to ragweed or other plants in the Asteraceae family – including chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, feverfew, chamomile, and echinacea – do not take Respiratory Support. Elecampane can interact with blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and may cause drowsiness, so avoid taking Respiratory Support with sedatives or anesthesia.

Support Your Lung and Bronchial Passageway Health with Respiratory Support

Respiratory Support

We now know that your lungs can only function as well as the health of your airway passages.

When encountering seasonal challenges or irritants, it can become difficult to breathe. Not only is it uncomfortable when you can’t breathe right, but it can also disrupt your health, since your tissues and organs depend on a regular fresh supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Fall and winter are the perfect times to provide your respiratory system with extra support to help fight off any challenges that might come your way.

With its time-proven blend of four ancient botanicals – Organic Horehound, Organic Marshmallow, Elecampane and Organic Ivy Leaf Extracts – Respiratory Support provides you with the antioxidant and respiratory support you need when exposed to seasonal challenges.*

Breathe easy, and promote the health of your lungs and bronchial passageways by ordering Respiratory Support today.

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  1. 1. Is there anyone who should avoid Respiratory Support?

    If you are allergic to ragweed or other plants in the Asteraceae family – including chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, feverfew, chamomile, and echinacea – do not take Respiratory Support. Elecampane also can interact with blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and may cause drowsiness, so avoid taking Respiratory Support with sedatives or anesthesia. Consult with your health care provider before taking this supplement.

  2. 2. What can I combine Respiratory Support with for additional seasonal support?

    There are several nutritional supplements you may want to consider adding to your seasonal defense kit (the first two are absolutely essential):

    • Vitamin D3 (or Vitamin D3 & K2) for optimal immune function and cell health*
    • Zinc Plus Selenium (or Zinc Liquid Drops) to support your immune function and healthy inflammatory response*
    • Organic Fermented Elderberry for healthy cytokine (immune system messenger) levels and general immune support*
    • Quercetin and Pterostilbene Advanced for seasonal health support*
    • Vitamin C-Pak with Quercetin, Zinc and Vitamin D3 for when you’re on the go and need all the essentials in one easy-to-take supplement

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