7 Trace Minerals for Health, Happiness and Longevity – Are You Getting Enough?

From getting adequate restful sleep at night to having the energy and drive to enjoy your day, trace minerals play a key role. Yet, far too many people don’t get enough of these lesser-known nutrients. Could a shortage of trace minerals be preventing you from living your life to its fullest?

  • Trace minerals are the hidden players in many of your body’s functions, yet for many reasons, you may not be receiving optimal amounts through your diet.
  • Essential Mineral Complex is an everyday trace mineral supplemental formula that supplies zinc, selenium, chromium, molybdenum, copper, boron and manganese.
  • To help assure optimal absorption and biological activity, Essential Mineral Complex provides each mineral in its chelated or advanced form.

It’s estimated that one in three Americans are deficient in at least 10 minerals that may be putting them at risk of serious chronic health issues.

And it’s not just in the U.S... Many people around the globe in both developed and developing nations are not getting enough of important minerals that play key roles in long-term health and longevity.

It’s not only likely that you are deficient in several minerals, but it’s highly likely you have a sub-optimal level of at least one key mineral, too.

So, how do you know how much you need?

Looking at the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) can be misleading, as RDAs are based on studies showing quantities to prevent deficiencies – not the amounts you need for optimal physical and mental well-being.

Here’s what you need to know about minerals... It doesn’t take a full-blown deficiency to get yourself into trouble. Simply getting too little can do it.

There can be as much as a 100-fold difference in the amount of a mineral that helps to prevent an outright deficiency versus a level that provides optimal health and longevity. Because they act like shields for oxidative stress and make up your antioxidant enzymes, minerals create the foundation for literally every function in your body.

Therefore, having inadequate levels of the minerals your body depends upon can put your long-term health and happiness at risk.

Woman jogging

The Lesser-Known Minerals You Need for Health and Happiness

While there are many different minerals, the ones your body requires are called essential minerals.

This simply means that your body can’t make them and instead, must gain them through the foods you eat. However, it’s not to say that other minerals aren’t important for health – at least five additional minerals are essential for your survival, but they just haven’t been recognized yet as being essential.

There are 17 essential minerals that your body needs each day, and they are divided into two groups – macrominerals, or the major minerals you need in relatively large amounts, and trace minerals, which are typically consumed in much smaller amounts:

  • The seven macrominerals that you require each day include calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur.
  • 7 of the trace minerals you need every day include chromium, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc.

Whether a mineral falls into the macromineral or trace mineral group is irrelevant. All are essential for health, only in different quantities.

Yet, it’s often the trace minerals that tend to fall through the cracks. You probably make wise food choices and supplement as needed to get enough of macrominerals, like calcium and magnesium. But how about chromium or molybdenum? When was the last time your health provider talked to you about them?

Are You Running Low on Trace Minerals?

How can you tell if you may be lacking in trace minerals? All of these signs can suggest you aren’t getting enough:

  • Lack of energy and pep to get through your day
  • Difficulty relaxing as well as falling and staying asleep
  • Lack of focus, fuzzy thinking and ‘brain fog’
  • Occasional moodiness and feeling blue
  • Lack of appetite or not enjoying your food like you once did
  • Gastrointestinal complaints and occasional loose stools
  • Hearing concerns
  • Hair loss, rashes and other skin issues
  • Fertility concerns
  • Increased food and environmental allergies

I know this is a long list, but that’s just a clue as to how vital trace minerals are for your total-body health. So you may be wondering... If you eat a wholesome diet, how could you possibly be deficient or running low?

Fresh vegetables

3 Reasons Why You May Be Short on Trace Minerals

Dr. James DiNicolantonio, a cutting-edge cardiovascular research scientist and expert on minerals, cites three primary reasons why so many people are deficient, especially in trace minerals:

  1. Our foods are more nutrient-depleted than ever.

    Compared to 1940, our food today contains about 30% fewer minerals, mainly because the soils in which our food grows have become depleted of nutrients.

    Crops that are typically high in important minerals, such as leafy green vegetables, whole grains, soybeans, coffee and tea, are commonly sprayed with the widely-used herbicide glyphosate to control weeds.

    Glyphosate limits plants’ absorption of micronutrients and actually chelates with certain minerals, leading to mineral-deficient plants.

  2. People aren't selecting the right foods to receive optimal amounts of minerals.

    Do you regularly eat foods like brewer’s yeast, hazelnuts, mussels, oysters, lobster, prunes, pumpkin seeds, black-eyed peas, lima beans and beef liver? Few people do, yet these foods are some of the best sources of the trace minerals your body needs most.

    Most people today consume highly refined, processed foods that are stripped of their minerals during processing. Eating too many processed foods can also rob your body of the minerals it may already have and speed up their elimination.

  3. Pre-existing health challenges can complicate the problem.

    For example, if you have gastrointestinal issues, you may be absorbing fewer minerals. Inflammation in your body “burns off” minerals, and kidney issues can increase their excretion.

    Finally, if you have high insulin levels, or your body isn’t properly sensitive to the effects of insulin, minerals can’t get into your cells to work properly and instead are excreted in your urine.

So the first step in correcting any mineral deficiency is to optimize your insulin sensitivity by managing your weight and choosing fresh, whole foods grown locally and, ideally, by organic or Biodynamic standards, without the use of glyphosate during growth and harvesting periods.

Essential Mineral Complex for Your Total Body Health

Essential Mineral Complex

To help you get the important trace minerals you may be lacking, we’ve formulated Essential Mineral Complex – a blend of seven key trace minerals:

  1. Zinc
  2. Selenium
  3. Copper
  4. Manganese
  5. Chromium
  6. Molybdenum
  7. Boron

All of these trace minerals are crucial for good health, and there’s a high likelihood that you’re not receiving optimal amounts of them, even if you’re eating a healthy diet.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these nutrients...

Woman with flu

Zinc: The Cornerstone of Your Immune Health and More

Zinc is one of, if not the most important trace mineral for supporting your immune system. Yet, as many as two billion people don’t get enough of this vital nutrient.*

The people at greatest risk of a deficiency or low levels of zinc include adults 60 years old and over, strict vegetarians, pregnant and nursing women, individuals with gastrointestinal concerns or those who consume excessive alcohol.

Throughout life, your cells use their existing DNA as a blueprint for replication. However, as you age, this ability becomes impaired and can lead to the deterioration of your body systems.

Zinc plays a role in how fast your cellular DNA break down.

Insufficient zinc impacts your body’s ability to repair the normal damage to your DNA from oxidative stressors, such as damaging free radicals, obesity and even normal body processes. This can lead to accelerated aging.*

In a study of 18 men who consumed a rice-based, low zinc diet for six weeks, adding a modest amount of zinc to the diet reduced DNA strand breaks – the everyday “wear and tear” on DNA.*

So why else do you need zinc?

  • Immune Health

    Zinc plays many roles in your immune health, from being a key messenger of immune cells and supporting the production of white blood cells that circulate throughout your blood, protecting you from threats. It influences antibody and cytokine production, phagocytosis – or the ingestion of unwanted cells or particles, and gene regulation within your white blood cells.*

  • Cardiovascular Health

    Higher levels of zinc are associated with optimal cardiovascular health. Researchers believe zinc may play a key role in regulating how calcium moves in your heart cells and provides support for the normal functioning of your heart.*

  • Lung and Respiratory Health

    According to studies, adequate zinc promotes respiratory well-being, especially during seasonal challenges to your health.*

  • Metabolic Health

    Zinc is required for the activity of more than 300 enzymes that assist with metabolism, digestion and other processes. It supports a healthy metabolism, aids carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and the absorption of nutrients.*

  • Brain Health

    Zinc plays a key role in helping proteins maintain their proper shape for healthy cognitive function.*

  • Sensory Organ Health

    Too little zinc can lead to a loss of both taste and appetite. With a deficiency, the cells in your taste and smell organs can actually die faster. Zinc works to help your eyes sense light and transmit nerve impulses to your brain.*

  • Bone Health

    Zinc plays a key role in your bone matrix and regulates the delicate balance between bone building and bone breakdown, especially important as you age. It also promotes bone mineralization through its role as a cofactor of alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme found in your bone cells.*

  • Protein Synthesis and Skin Health*

    Zinc supports healthy skin and the integrity of your mucosal membranes.*

Even if you do get enough zinc in your daily diet, certain conditions can keep you from absorbing and utilizing the essential mineral. Gastrointestinal and bowel concerns are often linked to zinc deficiency.

Essential Mineral Complex provides 15 mg of Zinc from Zinc Bisglycinate Chelate, a well-tolerated form of zinc bound with the amino acid glycine to enhance absorption.

Thyroid gland examination

Thyroid Concerns? You May Be Low in This

Selenium is another mineral that may be just as important as zinc for healthy cells and overall health support.* It helps protect cells and tissues against oxidative and free radical damage, and promotes the synthesis of DNA.*

This trace mineral also plays a role in your body’s production of thyroid hormones, thus influencing your metabolism, heart rate and body temperature. In fact, your thyroid gland is the highest concentrated source of selenium per gram of tissue in your body.

Many parts of the U.S., as well as Europe, Australia, Russia, New Zealand and China, have low soil levels of selenium, increasing your risk for deficiency.

Choosing a selenium supplement can be challenging, as they are not all the same.

Studies show that selenium-enriched yeast may provide a more effective form of selenium than a single amino acid form like selenomethionine – the type commonly found in selenium supplements.

Containing no unhealthy active yeast, bioavailable selenium yeast accumulates and incorporates selenium right into the protein structure.

Essential Mineral Complex provides 150 mcg of Selenium from Selenium Yeast (Candida utilis).

From Energy to Heart Health, Copper Helps You Thrive*

Without cellular energy, you wouldn’t be able to survive for more than a few moments. To provide the cellular energy your body needs, you need healthy, active enzymes. The trace mineral copper is a component of many of your body’s enzymes, including a key enzyme in the electron transport chain in your mitochondria that produces energy.

Through this essential process, copper helps with electron transport, energy production and the transportation of oxygen (and iron) throughout your body.*

Copper is the third most abundant trace mineral in the human body. Because of its close connection to iron, low levels of copper can affect your cells’ healthy utilization of iron. And that’s not all. Copper deficiency negatively affects these other aspects of health, too:

  • Immune health – affects the production of immune cells to help support your natural defenses
  • Mitochondrial health – turns off the mitochondria
  • Metabolic health and weight – switches your body into sugar burning from the healthier fat burning
  • Thyroid health – like selenium, low levels of copper impairs thyroid hormone production
  • Bone health – reduces bone integrity, leading to brittle bones
  • Kidney health – studies show copper supplementation supports healthy kidney function*
  • Reproductive health – sperm become more vulnerable to oxidative stress and DNA damage

The right amount of copper is required for zinc to function properly in your body. Copper and zinc compete with each other for absorption, so it’s important to supplement with copper if you are also taking zinc or a separate zinc supplement.*

Essential Mineral Complex provides 1 mg of Copper from Copper Bisglycinate Chelate, an optimally absorbed form of copper.

The Most Important Mineral for Protecting Your Cells and Tissues?

Manganese is another essential trace element that acts as a cofactor for many enzymes. It’s also needed for bone formation, healthy cell division and blood clotting, and plays a key role in protein, carbohydrate and cholesterol breakdown.*

However, there’s one function that makes manganese stand apart from all the other minerals in your body – it has its own antioxidant enzyme to protect your mitochondria and endothelium (the tissue that lines your blood vessels, heart and lymphatic vessels).*

Therefore, low levels of manganese can place these delicate organs and tissues at risk of damage from oxidative stress.

Animal studies show manganese deficiency can also impair bone formation and reduce bone mineral density. Manganese supplementation promotes both bone mineral density and bone formation in study subjects.*

Your body requires a balanced, yet small amount of manganese for optimal health, and 25 to 40% of your body’s supply is found in your bone.

Because manganese is difficult to assess with accuracy, levels are not routinely measured by doctors. However, studies show blood levels of manganese are lower in menopausal women, compared to pre-menopausal women.

Recommended dietary levels (RDAs) don’t exist for manganese, but studies show the effects of low levels. Adult males on manganese-deficient diets developed skin rashes, and women experienced altered mood and increased pain during their menstrual cycles.

Essential Mineral Complex provides 2 mg of Manganese from Manganese Bisglycinate Chelate, a highly absorbable form of manganese.

Belly fat

A Must for Supporting Healthy Blood Sugar Levels and a Trim Waistline*

Considered an essential trace mineral in the U.S., chromium is important for insulin, healthy blood sugar levels as well as lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.*

To bind to the surface of your cell and carry out its work, insulin requires chromium. With increased insulin sensitivity, your body is better able to store and utilize nutrients.*

In rat studies, high blood glucose and elevated triglyceride levels stunted growth, and greater amounts of abdominal fat were seen in those animals deficient in chromium. So who may benefit most from supplemental chromium?

You might be chromium deficient if you...

  • Have concerns about your insulin sensitivity or blood sugar levels, particularly if you are carrying around extra, unwanted pounds.*
  • Are looking for a way to help increase your muscle mass and athletic performance, due to its effects on insulin.*
  • Sweat a lot through exercise or sauna use, or live in a hot climate, as chromium is lost in sweat.
  • Consume coffee or other caffeine-containing beverages and foods, as caffeine may increase urinary chromium losses.
  • Don’t regularly consume chromium-rich foods, such as brewer’s yeast, liver, mussels, lobster, crab and shrimp.

Food-tracking studies in the U.S., Canada, Finland and England have found that men and women, on average, take in about 33 mcg and 25 mcg of chromium per day, respectively. These levels are considered borderline adequate – not at all optimal.

Consuming less than 50 mcg of chromium each day increases your risk of deficiency.

Essential Mineral Complex provides 500 mcg of Chromium from Chromium Nicotinate Glycinate Chelate, a safe and efficient chelated blend of chromium, glycine and niacin (vitamin B3). Niacin allows the chromium to be released in a biologically active form.

Molybdenum: The Hidden Player in Your Body’s Antioxidant Defense System

Molybdenum is another trace mineral that’s often overlooked. When you consider your body’s antioxidant defense system, you’re probably more likely to think of magnesium, selenium and zinc.

Yet, molybdenum plays an important role in helping to protect your body against the damaging effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. It also supports your body’s natural detoxification processes.*

This essential trace mineral is stored in your liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, teeth and bones in the form of molybdopterin, a cofactor made by your body that helps metabolize fats and carbohydrates, and facilitates the breakdown of certain amino acids in your body.

At least 10 enzymes and proteins depend on the presence of molybdenum, and a deficiency, or even low levels can lead to any of these ill effects:

  • A buildup of toxins
  • Poor energy production and metabolism.
  • Liver damage due to alcohol toxicity.
  • Impaired lipid profile, including cholesterol.
  • Suboptimal growth and physical deterioration.

Liver, grains and legumes are the best dietary sources of molybdenum, but the amount found in these foods will depend on the amount of molybdenum in the soil.

Because the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) does not measure or list molybdenum in food tables, nor do national surveys collect data about intake, we have little accurate information about actual intakes of molybdenum.

Essential Mineral Complex provides 500 mcg of Molybdenum from Molybdenum Glycinate Chelate, a highly absorbable form of molybdenum.

Senior woman exercising

The Other Overlooked Mineral That’s Essential for Your Brain, Bones and Teeth*

Boron, found in its greatest concentrations in your bones and tooth enamel, is a trace mineral that is also often overlooked.

It plays a key role in promoting healthy bone function by helping to reduce your body’s excretion of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.*

Researchers aren’t sure how boron acts on your bone, but it appears to enhance activity in your fibroblasts that influence the turnover of the bone matrix, allowing for changes in composition, structure and strength.*

Boron may be involved in the synthesis of hormones, such as testosterone, and certain vitamins, like vitamin D. It appears to stabilize and extend the life of vitamin D, which could explain at least some of its valuable bone-building properties.*

Another valuable benefit from boron may be involved in brain function and cognition. In contrast to higher boron intake, low dietary boron resulted in significantly lower scores in cognition, including attention, perception and the ability to remember names and numbers.*

Found in foods such as prunes, raisins, dried apricots and avocados, boron is typically consumed at levels – about 1 mg a day – far below what’s considered optimal for bone health and testosterone.

In a study of 12 women between the ages of 48 and 82, 3 mg of supplemental boron significantly reduced the loss of calcium and magnesium in the urine, especially when magnesium intake was low.*

Essential Mineral Complex provides 5 mg of Boron from Boron Amino Acid Chelate, a highly absorbed form of boron combined with amino acids to form a chelated “complex.”

For Optimal Benefits, Combine Essential Mineral Complex With Valuable Macrominerals


Trace minerals are just one part of the healthy mineral picture, as the list of important key minerals wouldn’t be complete without talking about magnesium and calcium. Are you getting enough of these essential macrominerals?

To be certain you’re getting adequate amounts, I recommend combining Essential Mineral Complex with Magnesium L-Threonate and Calcium with Vitamins D3 & K2.

Magnesium is especially important for total body health, particularly your brain health. And because it isn’t stored well in your body, you need it every day.*

Magnesium L-Threonate is my preferred form of magnesium because it is the only type that can cross your blood-brain barrier.*

Calcium is another macromineral that you need each day.

Our Calcium With Vitamins D3 and K2 includes vitamin K2 to help make sure the calcium goes where it is should – your bones and teeth – and not where it can cause harm.*

Don’t Risk Your Health, Happiness and Longevity – Order Essential Mineral Complex Today

Trace minerals play too great a role in your total well-being, so why risk having sub-optimal levels?

Now, you can be sure you are getting the proper amounts of all seven trace minerals in a highly absorbable form with Essential Mineral Complex.

Whether you’re looking for support for healthy blood sugar levels, a trim waistline, greater muscle mass, iron-clad immunity, optimal heart health, strong teeth and bones or simply healthy cells and tissues, Essential Mineral Complex has you covered.*

Don’t be a part of the growing number of individuals who don’t know they’re running low in life-supporting trace minerals, like zinc, selenium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum and others.

Be proactive, and order Essential Mineral Complex today.

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  1. 1. Can I combine Essential Mineral Complex with other supplements containing minerals?

    Yes, you may combine Essential Mineral Complex with our other products containing macro- and trace minerals, like Magnesium L-Threonate, Bone Support with Strontium & Boron, Calcium with Vitamins D3 & K2, Iodine, MSM, Whole-Food Multivitamin and Zinc Plus Selenium.

    Be sure to limit your daily total of zinc to 50 mg or below for everyday use.

  2. 2. Should I take Essential Mineral Complex with or without food?

    Mineral (and vitamin) supplements are typically best taken with a meal.

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