Could This Be Your Missing Link to Quality Sleep and Super Immune Health?

Once thought of as just a sleep aide, melatonin is gaining new recognition in the fields of immune, brain and metabolic health. Support your immune and metabolic health while you sleep with this premier blend of 8 cutting-edge ingredients.*

  • Immune function can begin to decline as early as your 30s and 40s. Your body’s production of melatonin also starts to decrease at the same time. Researchers believe there may be a connection.
  • Sleep Support with Melatonin contains unique Calming and Neuro Blends, including proven ingredients like L-Theanine, GABA, 5-HTP and Tart Cherry Fruit Concentrate.
  • Depending on your personal needs, the same formula is available in your choice of a convenient fast-acting oral spray with 1.5 mg of melatonin per serving or capsules containing 1.5 mg, 5 mg or 10 mg of melatonin.

Are you getting a restful night’s sleep?

If not, you’re not alone. About two-thirds of all Americans complain of occasional sleeplessness.

Nearly 40% of those polled said they wake up off and on throughout the night, while more than a quarter of respondents said they wake up too early and can’t get back to sleep – or had a tough time falling asleep in the first place.

If that wasn’t bad enough, almost half of respondents said they don’t feel refreshed when they wake up in the morning. Many even feel more tired and have a difficult time staying awake during the day.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? These are all clues that you may not be getting enough restful sleep:

  • Feeling not fully refreshed when you wake up in the morning,
  • Lacking energy and feeling tired during the day,
  • Having problems with thinking, focusing and remembering details,
  • Making poor decisions,
  • Not performing like you used to, athletically or in your daily activities,
  • Gaining weight for no specific reason,
  • Feeling clumsier and accident prone,
  • Dozing off while inactive, like when watching TV,
  • Experiencing a change in mood, such as increased feelings of stress or irritability.

Surprisingly, it doesn’t even take night after night of poor sleep to feel these types of effects as a result of sleep deprivation.

A study showed that getting too little sleep for just one night reduced the ability to function the following day by over 30%.

Old woman having trouble sleeping

How Sleep Quality Affects Your Health

Even if they could sleep, many people think sleeping is a waste of time. Do you?

This may be another reason why one in three individuals get fewer than seven hours of sleep each night.

Let’s take a look at why it may not be a good idea to skimp on sleep – or not make an effort to improve the quality of your sleep…

While children and teens need more, adults require seven to nine hours of sleep each night to help:

  • Recharge and restore your body and mind,
  • Support your brain’s normal detoxification processes,
  • Repair and optimize your immune system,
  • Deal with daily stressors,
  • Promote muscle and cellular repair,
  • Renew your brain’s focus and alertness to function at your best.

Without a doubt, good sleep is essential for your health and well-being, including your brain function.

Wakefulness is linked to stress on your mitochondria – or your cells’ energy factories. So, a lack of sleep can lead to the breakdown of nerve and brain cells.

Indeed, animal research shows inconsistent, intermittent sleep results in significant challenges for brain health.

But that’s not all… Not getting enough quality sleep can upset your circadian rhythm – your body’s sleep-wake cycle – which affects your entire body.

This can impact your blood pressure, blood sugar and hormones that make you feel hungry, making weight management more challenging.

Because a full half of your genes are under circadian control, a disruption of your body’s master clock can switch on certain genes that can negatively affect your inflammatory response, immune function, blood sugar control, and lead to an increased risk of more serious health threats.

What Happens When You Sleep?

Some of the newest sleep research reveals how sleep affects all aspects of your physical and mental health, including your immune health.

Did you know your brain has its own unique waste removal system? It’s called the glymphatic system, and without it, your brain would age far too quickly and not function well.

However, for this system to work properly each night, you must get good quality sleep.

During deep stages of sleep, your brain cells actually shrink by about 60% to allow cellular waste to be washed away. This includes toxins, harmful waste proteins and metabolic wastes that are part of the normal body processes.

This pumping of cerebral spinal fluid through your brain’s tissues flushes the wastes from your brain into your blood stream, where they travel to your liver and are eventually eliminated.

The proper functioning of your brain’s waste removal system becomes even more crucial with age, as your blood-brain barrier becomes more permeable and allows more toxins to enter your brain.

Deep sleep also strengthens your body’s immune response. Your immune system forms memories of previous threats while you sleep, allowing for a faster and more effective response when challenged again.

Your ability to derive meaning from life events and form memories also happens during sleep. By gaining greater insight into your life through your dreams, your daytime performance naturally improves.

In fact, a study showed that when you dream about performing an activity, your actual physical performance later increases tenfold.

Realizing the role sleep plays in your gene expression, hormone regulation, brain detoxification and memory formation, it’s clear that it doesn’t pay to skimp on sleep – or not take improving the quality of your sleep seriously.

But what if you just can’t sleep, no matter how many tricks and tips you try? Let’s take a look at sleep from a hormonal standpoint…

Sleeping woman

Melatonin: Your Multi-Purpose Hormone

Melatonin is a hormone produced by a pea-sized gland in the middle of your brain called the pineal gland.

By acting on melatonin receptors in your brain, known as MT1 and MT2, melatonin signals to your body that it’s time to sleep. In doing so, it’s communicating to the rest of your body about the timing and length of the night.

In countless studies, melatonin has been shown to:

  • Increase your feeling of sleepiness.*
  • Help you fall asleep quicker.*
  • Lengthen the total duration of your sleep.*
  • Enhance the overall quality of your sleep.*
  • Help you feel alert in the morning, *
  • Minimize your feelings of sleepiness and fatigue during the day.*

Typically, during a normal night’s sleep, your melatonin levels stay elevated for about 12 hours (usually between 9 p.m. and 9 a.m.). As the sun rises, your pineal gland turns “off,” and the melatonin levels in your blood decrease until they’re hardly measurable.

Levels of melatonin are highest when it’s dark and naturally low during the day. The melatonin circulating in your blood is regulated by two primary factors: circadian phase and light exposure.

Any type of light exposure during the night causes an abrupt reduction in melatonin, but darkness during the day won’t raise your body’s production of melatonin.

That’s why it’s so important to sleep in absolute darkness, shielded from light from street lamps, night lights, clocks, phones and other electronics.

The amount of melatonin you create and release every night also varies depending on your age. Children usually have much higher levels of melatonin than adults. As you grow older, your levels tend to decrease.

Not only do older individuals produce less melatonin but pre- and postmenopausal women are especially at risk of lower levels as well.

A study measuring melatonin secretion (the best way to assess circulating levels) in women found a moderate decline from 17 to 45 years of age, but then an increase from 46 to 50 years of age.

Once women reached the postmenopausal age of 50, a steep, age-related decline was seen for up to 15 years, and was then followed by an extremely gradual decline thereafter.

Researchers believe reduced levels of melatonin may explain why older adults are more likely to experience occasional disrupted sleep patterns.

With less melatonin in your blood, the stimulus to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake feeling rested can potentially be compromised.

How Melatonin May Help You Optimize Your Metabolic Health*

Just like sleep affects your circadian rhythm and metabolic health, so does melatonin.

Previous studies have suggested that weight issues may, in part, be due to disturbances in circadian rhythm and seasonal variations in melatonin secretion.

For example, lower levels of melatonin secretion that occur in autumn and winter can increase appetite and lead to weight gain.

Obese individuals are known to have shortened sleep durations. A study found that melatonin concentrations during sleep in obese subjects were significantly lower than those in normal weight individuals in the winter months.

Studies show melatonin may help:

  • Promote normal glucose metabolism.*
  • Encourage lean body mass.*
  • Optimize insulin tolerance.*
  • Increase the burning of brown adipose tissue (a “good” type of fat) for energy, encouraging a healthy body weight.*
  • Reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress as well as promote muscle healing and recovery.*

Lower melatonin has been studied and linked to poor glucose metabolism.

When you eat appears to play a major role in how melatonin affects your metabolism.

Eating at night and early in the morning, because your melatonin levels are naturally high when it’s dark, can effect how your body utilizes glucose.

In other words, eating or snacking when your melatonin levels are elevated impairs your glucose tolerance, or your body’s ability to process glucose properly.

Instead, the combination of nighttime fasting and higher levels of melatonin supports high glucose tolerance and healthy normal insulin release and sensitivity.

For that reason, I recommend intermittent fasting – eating all of your meals within a restricted time period, ideally no greater than eight hours. And I suggest taking melatonin supplements as far away from meal time as possible.

This means, for example, if you follow a six-hour eating window, you won’t be eating before 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. and you won’t eat any food or snacks after 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. You won’t be eating when your levels of melatonin may be higher.

Melatonin’s Newest Role in Immune Function Support*

While melatonin is best known for its ability to help you sleep, some of the most exciting research to date involves its potential benefits for immune health.*

Depending on your diet and the health of your gut microbiome, immune function can start to decline as early as your 30s and 40s.

At around age 60, a condition called “immunosenescence” can begin to set in. This is when your immune system starts to weaken, leaving you more susceptible to threats.

Melatonin production also begins to decline at the same time – in your 30s and 40s. Could there be a connection? Researchers believe there may be.

In an animal study, aging mice were given a melatonin supplement at night and found they produced greater numbers of immune molecules. The researchers discovered they could actually predict the mice’s immune function based on the amount of melatonin in the animals’ bloodstreams.

What makes melatonin so unique is that it can pass freely into any cell membrane and enter your cells’ mitochondria. There, it binds to melatonin receptors that upregulate your antioxidant defense systems.*

Key players in your immune system, your white blood cells have melatonin receptors, too. In fact, melatonin may actually support T cell activity that leads to the activation of interferons, a vital part of your adaptive immune system.*

Your T cell function declines with age, making higher doses of melatonin particularly valuable for immune support, along with vitamin D3 and magnesium.*

In addition, researchers have discovered that melatonin concentrates in your bone marrow, perhaps to help protect immature stem cells and immune cells from oxidative damage.*

This is key, as your immune system defense comes from stem cells produced from your bone marrow. Your immune cells are made from stem cells, and some can actually produce melatonin.

The good news is, you don’t have to worry about adverse effects with higher doses of melatonin, other than the expected effects of increased sleepiness and grogginess.

Support Your Immune Health & More While You Sleep*

    Sleep Support Products  

For the highest-quality sleep, you need more than just melatonin.

That’s why we’ve combined melatonin with a proprietary blend of carefully-selected neuro-nutrients and botanical extracts to help promote deep and restful sleep.*

Sleep Support with Melatonin is a superior sleep supplement, perfect for everyday use or to use for occasional disrupted sleep patterns due to travel and night-shift work.*

Available in your choice of a fast-acting spray or convenient capsules, Sleep Support with Melatonin offers a proprietary blend of carefully-selected neuro-nutrients and botanical extracts to help promote deep and restful sleep.*

Containing the same active formula, you can now choose your preferred dosage level of melatonin to support your immune health while you sleep.*

Depending on your focus (sleep and/or immune health support), you can now enjoy either our standard level of 1.5 mg in spray or capsule form, or higher levels – 5 mg and 10 mg – of melatonin in the same Sleep Support formula in capsule form.

Don’t like to swallow pills and capsules?

Our Sleep Support with Melatonin spray provides an option for those who prefer a delicious-tasting spray. It’s the perfect size for slipping into your pocket or purse, and you can take it with or without food.

To get the best results from our Sleep Support spray, about an hour before bedtime, simply spray the raspberry-flavored spray directly into your mouth, hold for a few seconds and swallow.

Precisely metered to provide the right dose (4 sprays provides 1.5 mg of melatonin), Sleep Support spray is easy to use. Plus, it’s perfect for travel, as it requires no water.

Best of all, Sleep Support spray contains no added sugar, starch, soy, salt, gluten, artificial flavors or colors.

Please note that our Sleep Support spray is only available with 1.5 mg melatonin. If you want higher levels of melatonin to support your immune health while you sleep, choose our Sleep Support capsules in your choice of 5 mg and 10 mg of melatonin.

Two Unique Blends Help You Relax and Unwind

Our unique formula contains eight other ingredients, including Neuro and Calming Blends, found in both the spray and capsules (1.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg), that work synergistically with melatonin.

The Dr. Mercola’s Neuro Blend includes:

  • L-Theanine – An amino acid found in tea that acts as a neurotransmitter promoting relaxation.*
  • 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) – A hydroxylated form of tryptophan that easily passes your blood brain barrier and converts to serotonin, providing your mood with a boost as well as enhancing your sleep.*
  • GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) – A naturally occurring amino acid found in studies to increase relaxing brain alpha waves and reduce “busy-mind” beta waves.*
  • L-Tryptophan – An essential amino acid needed for the production of serotonin in your brain, and precursor to melatonin, shown in clinical studies to support normal sleep patterns.*

Sleep Support also contains a Calming Blend of two botanical extracts:

  • Tart Cherry Fruit Concentrate – Natural cherry juice with anthocyanins, polyphenols and flavonoids that may help increase the duration and quality of your sleep.*
  • Chamomile Flower Powder – Contains an antioxidant called apigenin which binds to receptors in your brain to help you relax and initiate sleep.*

5-HTP – One of My Favorite Sleep Aids

One of my absolute favorite sleep aids is 5-HTP, an exceptional ingredient in our Sleep Support formula.

A precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, 5-HTP and serotonin may:

  • Help produce a calming effect.*
  • Help you fall asleep faster.*
  • Increase the time you spend in REM sleep, which in turn helps you feel well rested and vibrant during the day.*

Serotonin is vitally important to your brain, as it helps relay signals between cells and regulates mood and behavior.*

Melatonin is created from serotonin and newer research suggests melatonin can be produced in many of your cells – not just your pineal gland – throughout the day from serotonin.

So, the more serotonin you have available in your cells, the more melatonin can be produced for cellular health.*

Your body makes 5-HTP from tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in food. However, researchers have found that eating tryptophan-rich foods has little impact on the body’s 5-HTP levels.

5-HTP works synergistically with the other ingredients in Sleep Support, too.

In one study, an amino acid preparation containing both GABA – a calming neurotransmitter – and 5-HTP reduced time to fall asleep, increased the duration of sleep and improved sleep quality.

The Sleep Support Difference

A quick stroll down your health food store aisle or an online search reveals dozens of melatonin supplements, but not all are created equal.

We’ve put together a chart to help you compare Sleep Support with Melatonin to other supplements out there:

Benefits You Want Sleep Support with Melatonin Other Brands
Various dosage levels for the perfect dose of melatonin for your individual needs YES – You have a choice of 1.5 mg, 5 mg or 10 mg per dose, to either support sleep only, or support your immune health while you sleep.* Most melatonin supplements don’t allow you to choose your level of melatonin.
Your choice of capsule form or fast-acting spray YES – You get the choice of optimal absorption with or without pills.* Many supplements only come in one form.
Only essential ingredients YES – We do not include added sugar, starch, wheat, soy, gluten, eggs, salt, dairy or genetically engineered ingredients. Many supplements contain animal-based fillers, such as the saturated fatty acids magnesium stearate and stearic acid (which are often used only to lubricate the machines that make the supplements).
Allows you to enjoy the benefits of other supplements YESSleep Support does not interfere with the absorption of other vitamins, minerals and/or supplements.* Many supplements include ingredients that actually decrease the absorption of your other daily supplements (e.g., dicalcium phosphate, magnesium stearate).
Receive the exact dose every time YES – With its pre-metered spray or capsule doses, you can be confident that you're getting the perfect dose every time – and fast. Even with brands that offer liquid forms of melatonin, it is difficult to get the exact dosage with droppers.
Contains complimentary sleep support nutrients* YES – You get seven other nutrients besides melatonin to help aid your sleep.* Many melatonin supplements contain only melatonin.

Want to fall asleep faster – and stay asleep? Filled with a delicate blend of lavender flowers, our Sleep Mask with Lavender lulls you into restful slumber.

Lavender has been scientifically proven to soothe and induce calm, thus enhancing your sleep and allowing you to fall asleep faster.

The aromatherapy powers of lavender boost mental capacity, enabling your brain to organize memory while you sleep.

Comfortable and silky soft, our Sleep Mask with Lavender offers you the precious darkness you need to enjoy restful, restorative sleep

What Our Customers Are Saying

I’d like you to hear directly from some of our customers and what they have to say about our Sleep Support with Melatonin. These are all real, verified buyers whose comments were not solicited.

“Sleep Support Works”

“I have tried many sleep support supplements over the years with varied success. I slept really well the first night I used Dr. Mercola's Sleep Support with Melatonin. I fell asleep easily and maintained a deep sleep for 7 hours. Woke up feeling great. I highly recommend.”

Claire F., Verified Buyer


“We are enjoying this Sleep Support so much that I am sending a bottle to a friend. Normally, pure melatonin leaves me with the hangover…but not this product. Sleep through the night and wake up feeling well rested. Thank you, Dr. M! You are a sleep saver. :-)”

M.W., Verified Buyer

“Must Have!”

“This is the most life-changing product I've ever used. It makes a difference on whether I get a good night’s sleep or not. It is amazing. I highly recommend it.”

Patti M., Verified Buyer

“Good Product!”

“Works well for me. I've been taking this fairly regularly for over a year to help when I'm having difficulty sleeping or can't go back to sleep. It does not leave me overly drowsy in the morning, like some other sleep aids, and seems to start working rather quickly after taking it.”

Scott B., Verified Buyer


“This supplement has been a life saver for me. This works great! I am so relieved to be getting a good night’s sleep again.”

Diane H., Verified Buyer

Woman meditating

Experience a Deep, Restful Night’s Sleep While Promoting Your Immune Health With Sleep Support*

Is Sleep Support with Melatonin right for you? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you sometimes have difficulty falling asleep, wake up during the night or too early?
  2. Do you occasionally experience daytime fatigue, sleepiness or feel irritable or moody?
  3. Would you like to see an improvement in the quality of your sleep – such as getting more deep sleep?
  4. Are you frustrated by extra inches and pounds that won’t budge?
  5. Would you like to give your immune system a helping hand while you sleep?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, consider Sleep Support. If you answered “yes” to question number five, try our Sleep Support with 5 mg or 10 mg of melatonin.

Boasting 8 high-quality, research-supported ingredients, Sleep Support with Melatonin is designed to give you the restful sleep you deserve. As an added bonus, you can support your immune health at the same time.*

Help put an end to occasional sleepless nights, and enjoy mornings feeling rested, refreshed and revitalized. Order your supply today.

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  1. 1. When should I take Sleep Support with Melatonin?

    Melatonin doesn’t work instantly – for many people it takes at least 60 minutes for it to start working in your body. Therefore, we recommend taking Sleep Support spray or capsules one hour before bedtime.

    Our Sleep Support with Melatonin fast-acting spray goes to work quickly because it is a spray and doesn’t need to work through your digestive tract like the capsules.*

    The unique blend of 8 ingredients help you feel its effects faster because you don’t have to wait for the melatonin’s effects to be felt.

  2. 2.Why would I want to take 5 mg or 10 mg of melatonin? Isn’t that a lot?

    We always recommend that you start with the lowest effective dose of melatonin (1.5 mg). You may take higher doses (5 mg or 10 mg) if lower ones don’t provide the desired results.

    For the immune support benefits of melatonin, newer research shows higher doses of melatonin may provide tremendous support, particularly for immune health.*

    Studies show there are no adverse effects from taking higher doses of melatonin, other than the expected effects of increased sleepiness and grogginess.

  3. 3.Is Sleep Support with Melatonin appropriate for all ages?

    Sleep Support is not appropriate for children, and we only recommend it for occasional use by adults 18 years and older. If you are pregnant or nursing, contact your health care provider prior to use.

  4. 4.What is the best way to store the product?

    With an approximate shelf life of up to two years, it’s best to store both the spray and capsules in a cool, dry place. Once the spray form of Sleep Support has been opened, refrigeration is recommended for best storage results.

  5. 5. Are there any medical conditions or medications that should not be used in conjunction with this product?

    With any health concern or underlying medical condition, or when taking any medication, it’s always best to contact your health care provider to determine if Sleep Support is appropriate for you.

  6. 6. Are product containers recyclable?

    The capsule bottle is completely recyclable, while the spray bottle cannot be considered as such because there is a stainless-steel spring in the pump mechanism. However, if the spray bottle is going to a professional plastics recycling facility, they often have magnets that pull the tiny metal parts out after the package has been ground.

Shipping Restrictions:
  • We are unable to ship this product internationally at this time.

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