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What You Can’t See in Your Beef Should Scare You the Most

Gone are the days when you could depend on your neighborhood butcher or grocer to provide your family with wholesome beef. Beef from humanely treated animals, untainted with dangerous bacteria, hormones, steroids, antibiotics, pesticides and herbicides. Lucky for us there’s a growing trend that’s bringing those days back.

Sometime after World War II, American meat producers made a decision that would have profound effects on both human and animal health, as well as the environment.

Along with that fateful decision, the factory farm was born. Today, a whopping 95 percent of the red meat you eat comes from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). And that includes the beef you find in most restaurants.

In fact, the average American meat-eater now consumes 9 ounces or more of factory farmed meat and animal products each day!

While industry may be providing us with relatively affordable products, we’re paying the price in other often-unseen ways.

We’ve lost the caring connection of business with its animals and the land to a furious quest that puts profit before food quality and safety. That’s taken a tremendous toll on soil health, along with the quality of the meat you depend on to nourish your body.

And then there are the bacteria and other horrors you can’t see in your meat...

Because foodborne illness has become so rampant, we’re forced to treat every piece of raw meat as if it’s tainted with potentially deadly bacteria.

Lucky for us, there’s a growing trend that offers a much more hopeful alternative. One that’s better for your health, the well-being of our animals, and the future of our land. It’s a solution that can help solve the many problems we face.

Let’s take a closer look...

Big Ag’s Greedy, Disastrous Mistake:
Cattle Were Designed to Eat Grass — Not Grains

cows eating grass
Cows were designed to graze and eat grass

Cows are amazing creatures. They are one of the few animals that can eat and digest grass and turn it into fuel.

A very highly evolved digestive organ, called the rumen, allows them to do this. The rumen turns the cellulose in grass into a nutritious protein.

Because of this unique ability, cows are naturally suited for grazing.

However, very few cows live their entire lives on grassland. In the American beef industry, a young cow spends its first few months out on the pasture with mom, nursing and nibbling grass.

At the age of 6 months, the young animal is removed from its mother and put in what’s known in the industry as a backgrounding pen. This is where the very unnatural lesson of eating grains, mostly corn, begins.

Cows were designed to eat a variety of grasses that are very low in net carbs (total carbs-minus fiber). Just like us, they are unable to digest this fiber.

However the bacteria that reside in their intestinal system do a marvelous job of digesting the fiber and converting it to fat. So even though it looks like a cow is on a high-carb diet, the reality is that they are on a high-fat diet produced by the bacteria digesting all the fiber they eat.

When a cow eats grains, very serious problems develop, including the much-dreaded bloat. A cow’s rumen isn’t designed for grains. Corn is very high in net carbs and low in fiber which causes massive metabolic disturbances very similar to what we see in humans. That, along with stress, significantly increases a cow’s susceptibility to disease.

That’s when drugs and antibiotics enter the scene. Antibiotics are typically administered for the animal’s entire life to both treat and prevent disease.

Don’t think for a minute that beef producers do this for your good or for the animal’s benefit... Hardly.

Unfortunately, Americans have been primed to prefer their beef tender, juicy and well marbled with fat. Beef producers have discovered that by getting a young cow onto grains by the age of 6 months, they can move that animal to the finish line much faster — often within 14 months instead of two to three years!

As sickening as it is, time is money in the beef production world.

Should You Follow So-Called ‘Expert’ Advice and Eat Less Red Meat?

If you are eating factory-farmed or meat from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), my answer is unequivocally “yes.”

What’s wrong with factory farms? In a CAFO, the cattle are:

CAFO cattles
CAFO cattle are crammed into confined quarters and fed genetically engineered grains
  • Crammed together and treated inhumanely
  • Routinely fed glyphosate-treated, genetically engineered grains and grain byproducts
  • Administered antibiotics to prevent disease from stress and their unnatural diet
  • Given synthetic hormone and steroid “implants” to promote growth
  • Fed animal wastes that can promote the transmission of Mad Cow Disease

A recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspector’s report revealed that beef sold to the public was contaminated with 211 different drug residues. And it’s estimated that as much as 20 percent of the drugs administered may remain in the meat you buy.

For all these reasons and more, I recommend you avoid eating meat raised in CAFO operations, if at all possible.

Authentic, 100% grass fed beef is a whole different story. Not only doesn’t it come with all these drawbacks, if produced ethically, it’s a red meat you can feel good about, as it plays an important role in a healthy diet.

Are You Being Exposed to Mad Cow Disease Without Even Knowing It?

I believe Mad Cow disease is a man-made plague created by the CAFO system. Today we know that one of the main ways Mad Cow is transferred among cows is to feed them bone meal and waste products from other infected cattle.

CAFO chickens
Cows can still end up eating diseased animal parts via CAFO-produced chicken litter

The good news is it’s no longer legal to feed beef-based products to cows.

However, there is bad news... CAFO cows are still being fed dead cow remains. The beef industry isn’t too astute when it comes to food safety.

A cattle feed product known as broiler or chicken litter is permitted. This mixture of chicken feces, bedding, spent feed and feathers has been used in beef production for over 40 years.

Feeding chicken litter to cows solves two of industry’s biggest challenges:

  • The beef industry gets to use it as a low-cost feedstuff to boost protein for fast growth
  • The poultry industry gains a cost-effective way of disposing all the refuse they sweep off their massive, factory chicken coop floors

But here’s the problem with feeding chicken wastes to cattle...

Broiler litter can contain antibiotics, heavy metals, pathogenic bacteria and even dead rodents, according to Consumers Union. And it can even contain cattle waste!

Ironically, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the practice of feeding the remains of dead cows to cattle in 1997, but it never prohibited the feeding of them to poultry!

So while a cow can’t be directly fed the primary source of Mad Cow disease — remains of potentially diseased cattle — they’re still fed them indirectly through chicken feed!

The End Game for Antibiotics Has Arrived, Courtesy of the Meat Industry

livestock antibiotics
An estimated 80 percent of total antibiotics sales in the U.S. end up in livestock

One of the biggest hidden costs of our cheap factory farmed meat is the pending loss of antibiotics to save human lives.

With the recent discovery of the mcr-1 gene mutation that makes bacteria resistant to our last resort antibiotics, we now know it’s no longer a matter of “if.”

According to the largest, most thorough review of the drug resistance problem to date, by 2050, antibiotic-resistant disease will claim the lives of 10 million people around the world each year.

Those numbers are staggering… and the meat industry is largely to blame.

An estimated 80 percent of ALL the antibiotics sold in the U.S. end up in livestock.

Antibiotics are not only used for treating disease caused by overcrowding and unsanitary conditions, as I’ve already pointed out, they are also used to promote speedy growth.

The main problem with using antibiotics in food production is that when microbes are exposed to repeated low doses of antibiotics, they quickly develop resistance and then pass this resistance on to other disease-causing microbes. And unless you kill all the microbes, the survivors pass their resistant genes on to the next generation of bacteria.

With each generation, the resistance becomes stronger and stronger until the bacteria no longer responds to the antibiotic’s effects.

That’s exactly how super strain, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are born... and how we’ve arrived at our current end-game situation.

CAFO Ground Beef THREE Times More Likely to Contain Antibiotic-Resistant Fecal Bacteria

factory farmed ground beef
Factory farmed ground beef contained 3 times more fecal bacteria than grass fed

A recent Consumer Reports study took a closer look at ground beef samples to evaluate the safety of grocery store beef.

Researchers purchased 300 packages, or 458 pounds of ground beef, including all types: conventional, sustainably produced beef raised without antibiotics, organic and grass fed.

The beef samples were evaluated for the presence of five types of disease-causing bacteria: E. coli, Clostridium perfringens, Enterococcus, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus.

Additionally, the samples were put through secondary testing to find out if the bacteria were resistant to antibiotics used to treat humans.

Here’s what they found:

  • The conventional beef samples (from CAFOs) were more likely to be contaminated with bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria, compared to beef from sustainably raised animals
  • Three times as many CAFO samples contained superbugs — the dangerous bacteria that are resistant to three or more classes of antibiotics — as did grass fed samples
  • The organic grass fed beef samples contained the lowest levels of bacteria, prompting a strong “buy” recommendation from researchers

Why CAFO Beef Can’t Hold a Candle to 100% Grass Fed Beef

As dismal as the situation may appear, there is hope on the horizon. Depending on the rancher’s practices, truly 100% grass fed beef provides an alternative that excludes:

  • The use of antibiotics, except for bona fide illness
  • Pesticides, herbicides, glyphosate and genetically engineered grains
  • Chicken feed and any kind of animal waste
  • Synthetic hormones and steroid implants
  • Confined, inhumane living conditions

Instead of taking a young calf from its mother at 6 months of age, a truly lifetime grazed cow remains on grassland for its entire life. It eats only grass and forages, and is fed no supplemental grains.

Because a caring connection exists between a smaller scale, grass fed beef rancher and his or her animals and land, there’s a greater regard for the well-being of all the components. And quality and safety aren’t compromised.

100% Grass Fed Provides Hope for Land Preservation

I’m sure you can imagine what happens when you raise tens of thousands of animals under one roof. You end up with a lot of pretty nasty wastes and, of course, it must go somewhere. Mostly hidden from view (on purpose), CAFOs decimate the environment. They’re responsible for:

  • A loss of water quality through nitrogen and phosphorus contamination in rivers, streams and ground water
  • Agricultural pesticide contamination to streams, ground water and wells, and safety concerns to agricultural workers who use them
  • The large emission of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide
  • The negative impact on soil quality through such factors as erosion, compaction, pesticide application and excessive fertilization

On the other hand, the production of lifetime-pastured 100% grass fed beef actually benefits the environment in the following ways:

  • Minerals from manure helps regenerate the soil
  • Reduces nutrient and chemical runoff of the soil
  • Diversifies and invigorates grasslands
  • Sequesters carbon
  • Supports wildlife, especially birds and bees

And because there are no antibiotics, steroids, pesticides, herbicides or other harsh chemicals used in grass fed production, you don’t see the same type of environmental destruction.

Finally, I’ve saved the best for last... There’s one final area where there’s simply no comparison between factory farmed and lifetime grazed grass fed beef: nutritional benefits.

Why Grass Fed Beef May Become Your Body’s Best Friend

Conventionally raised beef can’t begin to compare with lifetime grazed 100% grass fed beef for health benefits. Here are just some of the ways grass fed beef is superior:

  • A healthier ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids (1.65 vs 4.84)
  • Higher in the B vitamins thiamin and riboflavin
  • Higher in the minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium
  • Higher in beta-carotene and vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)

Here’s something else you may not know about grass fed beef... Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is a naturally occurring fat found in grass fed beef and dairy.

CLA has been shown in studies to provide important support for weight management, immune function, normal cell growth and normal blood sugar levels.*

Animals that graze on pasture have 300 to 400 percent more CLA than those fattened on grain in a feedlot.

Once a cow begins to eat grains, it loses its ability to produce this valuable fat. Just one more compelling reason to choose grass fed!

What to Look for in Grass Fed Beef

First off, you need to know that only limited amounts of grass fed beef are produced in the U.S. About 85 percent of grass fed beef is imported.

Most of the grass fed beef you see in your local store is imported from Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and occasionally from Mexico, Brazil, Nicaragua and Uruguay.

Why, you might wonder?

Australia and New Zealand especially have a climate that supports year-round grazing. And there’s a lot of land to allow herds to graze. Because they are involved with large-scale production, they’re able to sell their meat for less than what American grass fed cattle ranchers can.

But there’s something else more sinister going on, too. While there’s plenty of demand for grass fed beef in America, the USDA and Big Ag employ shrewd tactics to make it difficult for American grass fed ranchers to stay in business.

That’s one of the reasons why I recommend supporting reputable U.S. grass fed ranchers whenever you can.

In just a minute, I am going to introduce you to an extraordinary company that has earned my respect and I’m sure they will earn yours too...

Don’t Be Fooled...
Is Your 100% Grass Fed Beef Really LIFETIME Grazed?

You need to be VERY careful and avoid being fooled. There is massive fraud and deception behind the Grass Fed label, and many dishonest retailers use the label even though the animal was only raised on grass for a few months.

If you are going to pay extra for the benefits of pasture-raised beef, then you need to confirm that the animals were never fed grains and were only raised on pasture or hay.

calves eating bioengineered corn
Calves are often fed genetically engineered corn, even when grass fed

The words “Grass Fed” and even “100% Grass Fed” on a package of beef can be deceiving.

Here’s why:

The FDA’s definition of grass fed only requires farmers to ensure their animals have access to the outdoors during the grass growing season, as short as six months in many areas.

Feedlot confinement with grains is the “norm” during the remainder of the year.

What’s worse, the FDA allows even 100% grass fed cows to be fed grain byproducts, including genetically modified grains, and receive routine antibiotics and growth hormones!

As incredulous as that may sound, it’s true. Beef labeled as grass fed — even 100% grass fed — may be fed genetically engineered corn and beans.

But that’s not all...

Because the grass fed industry is woefully under-regulated, there are no regulations concerning the use of glyphosate in non-organic grass fed beef production.

Roundup-ready alfalfa was approved in late 2011 and it just happens to be one of the main forage species for grass fed production. Imagine paying extra for grass fed and receiving a product that may contain residues from Roundup and its toxic active ingredient, glyphosate!

So, how can you know if you’re getting the real thing? Choosing lifetime grazed 100% grass fed is a great assurance for the cleanest beef possible. And knowing the rancher and his or her practices goes a long way, too.

But in just a moment I will reveal the absolute best way to make sure your grass fed beef is the real deal...

How a Thousand Hills Cow Differs Drastically From His Feedlot Brothers

cattles eating grass
Thousand Hills cattle never see a feedlot

Occasionally a 100% grass fed program will catch my eye, but none has held my attention like this one.

Thousand Hills takes 100% grass fed one step further than many other ranchers.

As we’ve just learned, 100% grass fed beef isn’t good enough anymore. It can still contain glyphosate, a proven probable carcinogen, genetically engineered grains and even antibiotics!

You need to know that the cows have spent their entire lifetime outdoors grazing, away from pesticides, antibiotics, and genetically engineered grains. And to know that for sure, you need to know the rancher. I’ve become well acquainted with the folks behind Thousand Hills.

Thousand Hills cattle are holistically and humanely raised by independent Midwestern family farmers and are “lifetime grazed.”

Their cows live freely on grass pastures that haven’t been treated with herbicides and are never confined to a feedlot. In the winter when grass is sparse, they consume stockpiled and stored forages such as hay.

Thousand Hills cattle spend their entire lives grazing naturally, eating only the foods cows were intended to eat.

Not only is raising cattle on open grassland, grazing on their ideal food the most humane way to produce beef, it’s also the most responsible way for the integrity of farmlands.

Cattle in the Thousand Hills program never receive:

  • Grains, including GMO corn
  • Chicken litter or other animal by-products
  • Genetically engineered ingredients or feed

Because they are not confined or fed unnatural food sources, Thousand Hill cattle live contented lives that aren’t full of stress.

In the rare instance of illness or injury that would require an animal to receive antibiotics, it is treated and then moved to the conventional beef market.

True to their promise, no Thousand Hills animal can ever receive antibiotics, for any reason!

Thousand Hills Grass Fed Beef – Now AGA Certified Grassfed!

In my due diligence, I learned a few interesting things about Thousand Hills:

  • They’ve been raising cattle holistically since 2003, so they have a proven track record
  • They are genetic-specific, not breed-specific — they breed cows that are suited for grass finishing, not feedlots
  • They raise British breeds: Heritage Red/Black Angus (over 90 percent) and Hereford
  • Expert staff personally inspect all cattle regularly to ensure their health
  • All of their cattle are born, raised, and harvested in the U.S.
  • Local processing is done at a spotless organic-certified, family-run and world-class small batch facility
  • They utilize stringent, proactive food safety testing

And now they have achieved the highest standard in the grass fed industry...

All of our beef products from Thousand Hills are now Certified Grassfed by the American Grassfed Association (AGA). This ensures, through regular independent, third party audits, that:

American Grassfed
  • The animals are fed only grass and forage from weaning until harvest
  • The animals are raised outdoors on pasture or range without confinement to feedlots
  • The animals are never treated with antibiotics or growth hormones
  • All animals are born and raised on American family farms
  • The operation is managed to the highest animal welfare and environmental standards, and employs a sustainable approach designed to enhance land, water, and air quality

AGA certification assures you of authentic 100% grass fed beef. So, when you see the green Grassfed logo, you know you are getting a product that was produced by the highest standards.

And finally, perhaps most importantly, Thousand Hills Certified Grass fed beef is delicious, juicy and tender. And now it’s available for shipment directly to your home.

Now Available! Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed 100% AGA-Certified Grass Fed Beef

As I often say, you vote with your money. When you buy poor-quality CAFO, you send the message that you support what factory farm cattle producers are doing to their animals, to their meat and to the environment.

When you choose 100% grass fed and finished beef, not only are you purchasing high-quality meat, but you’re supporting the hard-working cattle ranchers who are trying to make a fair living while they treat their animals with dignity and respect, protect the land, and bring you a finished product that is far superior nutritionally.

Naturally, certified true 100% grass fed and finished beef costs a little more. It takes longer to produce and requires responsible, individual management by experts.

There’s no question it’s worth it for your dining pleasure, your health, and the environment. And with Certified Thousand Hills AGA Certified Grass Fed Beef you’re assured of consistent high-quality and healthful, tender and lean protein.

Try 100% AGA-Certified Grass Fed Marrow Bones – A Delectable Treat or a Beef Bone Broth Essential

grass fed sliced-marrow bones
Roasted sliced marrow bones are a delicious, nutritious treat

Marrow, the soft material that fills marrow bones, is considered a delicacy by many and an essential flavor addition for soups and other dishes.

Not only is marrow a delectable treat, it’s a treasure trove of nutrition, including a source of valuable collagen.

Researchers have discovered that the fat in bone marrow is a significant source of the hormone adiponectin, which helps maintain insulin sensitivity, break down fat, support heart health, and may play a protective role for cells, especially during calorie restriction.

Aside from their tasty insides, marrow bones are ideal for making bone broth.

With the popularity of ketogenic and low-carbohydrate diets, bone broth has become recognized as a real superfood. Low in carbs and high in minerals, vitamins, electrolytes, and amino acids that promote a healthy inflammatory response, bone broth is an essential part of a ketogenic diet – and any diet.

Bone broth has a long history of use for nourishing the body, mind, and soul. Physicians as far back as Hippocrates have recommended consuming a warm cup for gut support because of its unique qualities.

Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed 100% Grass Fed Beef Marrow Bones come from 100 percent grass fed cows that have been raised sustainably and have never been given grains, grain byproducts, genetically engineered feed, antibiotics, or added hormones. You can enjoy them without hesitation, unlike marrow bones from factory farmed animals.

Got a Dog? Marrow Bones... One of Pups’ Favorite Things

raw marrow bones for dogs
For your dog's safety, offer only raw bones

Raw bones play an important role in your dog’s oral care, as well as providing mental stimulation and high-quality nutrition.

When your dog gnaws on a marrow bone, his teeth get the equivalent of a good brushing and flossing. This helps break down tartar and helps keep your pet’s teeth and gums clean and healthy.

Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed 100% Grass Fed Beef Marrow Bones are the perfect nutritional and recreational bones for dogs of all sizes.

These marrow bones come from 100 percent grass fed cows that have been raised sustainably and have never been given grains, grain byproducts, genetically engineered feed, antibiotics, or added hormones, unlike factory farmed animals.

Just a word of caution if your dog is overweight or has pancreatitis... You may want to scoop out the fat-rich marrow. For dogs with sensitive stomachs, remove the marrow until your pet’s GI tract adapts to the higher fat treat.

For your dog’s and family’s safety, please follow these recommendations when offering any raw bone to your dog:

  • Keep out of reach of infants and small children at all times
  • Refreeze bones between your dog’s chewing sessions
  • Bones must be given to your dog raw as any cooked bone can splinter and damage your pet’s gastrointestinal tract
  • Supervise your dog whenever he’s working on a bone, especially if he is an aggressive chewer, to minimize the risk of choking or tooth damage
  • If you have more than one dog, consider separating them when they are chewing raw bones to prevent resource guarding
  • If your dog has restorative dental work, avoid offering raw bones
  • Always discuss the suitability of raw bones for your dog with your fresh-feeding vet or pet health wellness coach

Another thing to keep in mind about any raw recreational bone... When raw bones thaw and your pet chews on them, they can become messy and leave grease and traces of blood and meat around until your dog cleans them up. Many owners choose to offer bones outdoors, in crates, or on a surface that can be mopped afterwards. Avoid offering raw bones on light colored carpet.

Introduce Healthy Organ Meats into Your Diet with This Tasty, Nitrate-Free Delicacy

Beef Liverwurst

Organ meats are some of the most nutrient dense foods available to us, however few people eat them regularly for various reasons.

If you do eat them, and they’re from factory-farmed animals, you may be doing yourself more harm than good. Animals raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are fed genetically engineered grains, often with pesticide and herbicide residues, and given antibiotics, sometimes throughout their entire lives. The animal’s liver filters all these toxins.

When made from healthy grass fed animals, liverwurst is an outstanding and delicious way to introduce organ meats into your diet. Considered a delicacy in many European countries, liverwurst (sometimes called liver sausage) is typically made from pork or beef liver and includes other meats and spices.

Our Beef Liverwurst is made for us by US Wellness Meats and is 100% grass fed and grass finished. The animals are never given antibiotics or hormones to promote growth.

US Wellness Meats’ Beef Liverwurst is a mixture of grass fed beef trim (50%), liver (20%), kidney (15%) and heart (15%), and is delicately seasoned with salt, white pepper, onion powder, coriander, marjoram and allspice. The product is free of soy, sweeteners, dairy, MSG, additives, binders, nitrates and preservatives.

The organ meats used in our Beef Liverwurst are good sources of vitamins B12, A, D, E, K and folate, CoQ10 and contain important minerals like iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc.

US Wellness Meats’ Beef Liverwurst is shipped directly to you frozen in 1 lb. packages. You can partially thaw it for portioning, and then refreeze. Once thawed, your product will last about a week in the refrigerator. You can slice it or blend with cream cheese or sour cream to create a delicious spread.

What Thousand Hills’ Customers Are Saying...

I know Thousand Hills beef is a superior product, but what do consumers think about their Premium Natural 100% Grass Fed Beef?

Here’s a sampling from their Facebook page...

“Love this company! The grass fed beef they raise is truly superior. We can definitely taste the difference over other producers…”

“Great steaks and an impressive approach to raising beef cattle that needs to be replicated by more cattle ranchers.”

“I really want to thank this company for providing us with healthy meat. I am so appreciative.”

Pick Your Selection and Order Now

All of Thousand Hills’ products are flash-frozen at the peak of their flavor, then cry-vac packaged to preserve freshness, flavor, juiciness, and natural vitamins and minerals.

Each steak is individually sealed so you can stock up and freeze them without worry of freezer burn or spoilage.

With Thousand Hills beef, you have a long shelf life once thawed. Sealed steaks are good for approximately 20 days at refrigeration temperatures. Ground beef will also last over 20 days once thawed and unopened.

Organic Grass Fed Ribeye Boneless Steak

Order your choice of:

  • Boneless Ribeye — 8 oz. each, hand-trimmed ¼-inch fat, individually packaged, 8 steaks/case
  • New York Strip Steaks — 8 oz. each, hand-trimmed 1/4-inch fat, individually packaged, 8 steaks/case
  • Ground Beef — 85% lean for flavor and juiciness, 1 lb. individually sealed, 8 lbs./case
  • Marrow Bones — Each package of 4 long bones weighs approximately 1.5 pounds. Available in 2-packs (3 lbs.), 4-packs (6 lbs.), and 6-packs (9 lbs.)

Experience 100% Grass Fed like you’ve never tasted before. We guarantee you’ll be delighted. Order now!

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