Take Control of Your Metabolic Health With This Revolutionary Probiotic

Nearly nine out of 10 Americans are metabolically unhealthy, which explains why so many people carry around excess inches and pounds, especially in the form of potentially risky abdominal ‘belly’ fat.

  • Researchers have discovered a special probiotic strain called Lactobacillus gasseri BNR-17™ that promotes metabolic health via your gut by supporting healthy body fat, blood glucose levels, as well as gut transit and bowel health.*
  • Biothin® Probiotic contains Lactobacillus gasseri BNR17™, an acid- and bile-tolerant lactic acid-producing bacteria isolated from human breast milk, that provides 10 billion CFU of beneficial probiotics per 250 mg serving.
  • L. gasseri, BNR17™ converts dietary carbohydrates in your gut to indigestible fibers called exopolysaccharides, or EPS, which your body can’t digest or utilize, so these blocked carbs are carried out of your body as wastes.

America has become one of the sickest, unhealthiest countries in the world.

Coming in at a dismal #35 on the 2020 Bloomberg Global Health Index, the US falls below the UK, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Cuba and even Greece for overall health, including life expectancy and health risks.

And with current health trends and dietary habits, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this ranking fall even lower in the years to come.

Considering that America spends more on healthcare than any other developed country, this shouldn’t be happening. What’s going on to make Americans so unhealthy?

These statistics about the American population provide some clues...

  • Well over two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, with some states over 80%..
  • One-quarter to one-third have blood sugar issues, either full blown or developing.
  • One-quarter have blood pressure concerns.
  • Many others have high serum triglycerides, often associated with heart issues.

There’s one thing that connects all of these health concerns, and that is insulin resistance. This is when your muscle and liver cells no longer respond properly to normal levels of insulin – the pancreatic hormone that carries glucose to your cells.

America’s Shocking Metabolic Epidemic

In recent years, a complex of metabolic factors has grown to epidemic proportions in the U.S. There’s no doubt in my mind metabolic inflexibility is the cornerstone of our declining health.

This poor state of metabolic health is characterized by five physical factors, including:

  1. Large waist circumference (suggestive of high levels of ‘belly’ fat wrapped around the organs).
  2. Above normal blood pressure levels.
  3. Above normal blood sugar levels.
  4. Above normal triglycerides.
  5. Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

If you have three or more of these factors, you’re considered metabolically unhealthy. That puts you at higher risk for issues affecting your heart, liver, brain and more.

You certainly aren’t alone if you are metabolically unfit. Nearly nine in 10 Americans are metabolically unhealthy, including 80% of obese individuals and 40% of normal weight individuals.

Many people don’t realize that they can be metabolically unfit or inflexible without being overweight. Surprisingly, today in the US there are more thin sick people than fat sick people. This is sometimes referred to as “skinny fat.”

What’s behind this growing epidemic? I believe the Western diet – particularly the consumption of excess sugar, refined carbs, and processed vegetable and seed oils – is driving metabolic inflexibility.

This type of diet can lead to dramatic spikes and crashes in your blood sugar levels. Long term, it can affect your body’s ability to use insulin, which may lead to imbalances that impair energy production and organ health.

Stress also plays an adverse role. When you experience on-going stress, your body creates more of the hormone cortisol, which can increase your blood sugar levels.

High blood sugar levels can damage proteins in your body in a process called glycation. This can affect how you look and feel, as it speeds up body aging.

If you’re experiencing fatigue, poor circulation, joint discomfort, vision problems, brain fog or cognition issues, glycation may be occurring in your body.


Are You Metabolically Unfit?

One of the best ways to know your level of metabolic fitness is to compute your waist-to-hip ratio.

Your waist-to-hip ratio is a reliable indication of your level of metabolic fitness.

To determine your ratio, measure your waist at its smallest point and your hips. Your hip measurement is taken at the widest part of your butt. Be sure to take two readings each of your waist and hips to ensure accuracy.

Then, divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. Compare your number to the chart below to find out your level of risk for future issues.

Waist-to-Hip Ratio Men Women
Ideal 0.8 0.7
Low Risk <0.95 <0.8
Moderate Risk 0.96 – 0.99 0.81 – 0.84
High Risk >1.0 >0.85

This ratio tells you something else very important about your overall health. The higher your ratio, the more likely you have an accumulation of fat around your abdominal organs – something you don’t want.

How Abdominal Fat Wreaks Havoc on Your Health

As you reach middle age, your proportion of fat to body weight begins to change. It typically increases, especially in women. This means more of your weight is in fat than lean body mass or muscle.

Everyone has two types of fat in their body. Subcutaneous fat lies just beneath the skin and gives it that “dimpled” look. You can pinch this kind of fat between your fingers, and it tends to deposit itself in your lower body (think “pear” shape).

The other type, visceral fat, is found more around your abdomen (as in “apple” shape). Also known as “belly fat,” or “middle-age spread,” visceral fat is far more than just unwanted flab on your abdomen.

Unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is a real health concern. Belly fat can cause someone of normal weight to be metabolically unfit.

Visceral fat deposits itself deep down in the spaces of your abdominal cavity and wraps around your internal organs. While you can see and measure visceral fat, you can’t pinch it like you can subcutaneous fat.

These abdominal fat cells are different from other fat cells in your body – they are biologically active and produce their own hormones and other substances as if they were their own organ.

This type of fat also releases potentially hazardous free fatty acids. Because visceral fat is typically located near your portal vein, the fatty acids can travel to your liver and affect your body’s blood lipids.

hands over heart

Brown Fat vs. White Fat – Is There a Difference?

Did you know that, beyond subcutaneous and visceral fat, you have two other kinds of fat in your body?

You have what’s known as “brown fat” and “white fat.” Brown fat is your metabolism’s best friend when it comes to managing your weight.

White fat stores energy, whereas brown fat is a metabolically active type of fat that actually burns energy. Derived from muscle, brown fat burns white fat when activated.

Babies are born with a supply of brown fat to keep them warm, but by adulthood, it’s mostly gone. The limited amount of brown fat that you do have can be found in your neck area around your blood vessels. Brown fat may also be marbled with white fat in visceral fat tissue.

The activation of brown fat is associated with optimal metabolism. People who are slender, younger and have normal blood sugar levels have more brown fat than others.

So how can you put your brown fat to work to help improve your health – and your waistline? Experiencing cold temperatures, as with cold showers and ice baths, are one way. Researchers have discovered that you can also decrease the amount of white fat, or adipose tissue, in your body. Shortly, we’ll see one simple way to do that.

7 Ways to Improve Your Metabolic Health

Now that you know your level of risk – and all that’s at stake, let’s take a look at what you can do to help improve your metabolic health. The good news is, although visceral fat is easier to gain, it’s also easier to lose. Here are seven ways to help you fight against harmful belly fat:

  1. Practice intermittent fasting, and eat a ketogenic diet.

    These strategies can help support your energy production in the mitochondria and dramatically reduce your intake of carbohydrates and poor quality fats. My book, Fat for Fuel, walks you through the steps to rescue your mitochondria and to teach your body to burn fat for fuel.

  2. Drink plenty of clear, clean water.

    Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to protect your body from the effects of stress. Dehydration affects your body’s release of cortisol and alters your metabolism.

  3. Get enough quality sleep.

    Being well-rested helps you control stress. Lack of sleep can lead to an increase in cortisol, disrupt your metabolism and impair cognition.

  4. Optimize your vitamin C levels.

    Vitamin C helps protect your body against the effects of stress and supports healthy blood sugar levels, which affects the release of cortisol.*

  5. Minimize your intake of carbohydrates.

    When you consume carbs, your body produces insulin, which works with cortisol to help regulate your blood sugar levels. Reducing your carbohydrate intake (which also happens when you eat a ketogenic diet) reduces your insulin secretion and the accumulation of visceral, or belly, fat.

  6. Moderates the digestion and utilization of carbs in your gut.

    A special probiotic strain called Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™ from human breast milk positively affects your metabolic health via your gut by supporting healthy body fat, blood glucose levels, as well as gut transit and bowel health.

  7. Reduce stress.

    When you experience on-going stress, your “fight or flight” adrenal steroid known as cortisol increases fat distribution to your abdominal area.


BNR17™ Converts and Escorts Carbs Out of Your Body

Because your gastrointestinal flora plays a major role in your metabolic health, it only makes sense to support your digestion and metabolism through your gut.

Researchers have identified a probiotic strain called Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™ that’s shown to be one of the single best strains for both digestive and metabolic health.

What is Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™?

Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™ is an acid- and bile-tolerant lactic acid-producing bacteria isolated from human breast milk. Each 250 mg serving provides 10 billion CFU of beneficial probiotics for a healthy gut microbiome.

Because it is acid- and bile-tolerant, it can resist both acid and bile, and withstand the harsh conditions in your stomach to reach your intestines. Once it reaches its destination, it adheres to intestinal cells to positively influence gut health.

L. gasseri is part of the normal microbial flora of your intestinal tract and is closely related to the Lactobacillus acidophilus group of organisms.

What makes L. gasseri, BNR17™ stand apart from other Lactobacillus probiotics is the way it works...

When you eat carbohydrates, L. gasseri, BNR17™ converts them in your gut to indigestible fibers called exopolysaccharides, or EPS for short. Your body can’t digest or utilize these converted carbs, so they are carried out of your body undigested as wastes.

Biothin® Probiotic With Research-backed Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™ for Your Metabolic Health*

Biothin Probiotic

While my first recommendation for improving metabolic health is to limit your intake of carbohydrates, Biothin® Probiotic with Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™ allows you to take a proactive approach in managing your diet and health.

With Biothin® Probiotic, you can, once again, enjoy foods you may have given up because of health issues.

One of the best things about this unique probiotic is that its active ingredient, Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™, is research-backed.

Extensive studies show Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™ positively affects metabolic health, by supporting healthy body fat, blood glucose levels, as well as gut transit and bowel health.*

L. gasseri, BNR17™ has been shown to help:

  • Promote healthy abdominal visceral fat storage and minimal white visceral fat.*
  • Support healthy normal glucose sensitivity and blood glucose levels.*
  • Promote a healthy body mass index and optimal body composition.*
  • Maintain healthy, normal waist and hip circumference ratios.*
  • Promote healthy fatty acid production and breakdown.*
  • Promote intestinal comfort, optimal digestion and regularity.*

In one noteworthy study using L. gasseri, BNR17™ with 90 volunteers, aged 20 to 75, waist circumference and visceral fat tissue were significantly lower at the end of the 12-week study in the group receiving 10 billion CFU of L. gasseri, BNR17™, compared to the placebo group.

Take Control of Your Metabolic Health With Biothin® Probiotic*

Imagine being able to, once again, enjoy your favorite pasta dish – or other healthy carbohydrate on occasion – without adding to your metabolic concerns. Know the satisfaction you’ll feel when you’re taking action to tackle dangerous belly flab and getting your metabolic health on the right track.

Taken just once a day, preferably with the same meal each day, Biothin® Probiotic with Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™ can help you win the metabolic battle that plagues so many people.

Biothin® Probiotic is truly revolutionary...

Its potential benefits go far beyond modulating carbohydrates and supporting gut health. The active ingredient, L. gasseri, BNR17™, promotes intestinal comfort, optimal digestion, gut transit time and regularity, and supports beneficial fatty acid production and breakdown.*

Take steps today to break free from metabolic inflexibility, and order Biothin® Probiotic to give your body the care it needs.*

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Frequently Asked Questions
  1. 1. Can I take Biothin® Probiotic with other probiotic products, such as Complete Probiotics, Complete Probiotics for Women, Complete Spore Restore or Complete Afterbiotics?

    Yes, we recommend doing so. Biothin® Probiotic provides 10 billion CFU from one strain of beneficial bacteria, Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™, specifically for the support of your metabolic health.*

    For complete support of not only your gut, but also your immune system, cells, digestion, mood, urinary tract, and vaginal health for women, you want a probiotic that contains a wide array of strains that are proven valuable for health, and in large enough numbers, or CFUs.*

    Complete Probiotics (Regular and for Women) provide either 70 or 100 billion CFUs of probiotics and prebiotics from 10 or more strains.

  2. 2. When’s the best time to take Biothin® Probiotic? Can I take it long-term?

    We recommend taking Biothin® Probiotic with a substantial meal, ideally at the same time each day.

    While it’s designed to be used with normal diets containing carbohydrates (including the naturally occurring carbs in vegetables and fruits), carbohydrates are not required for the product to work optimally, and there’s no need to increase your carb intake. Biothin® Probiotic can be taken on a long-term basis.

  3. 3. I don’t eat many carbohydrates. Will I still benefit from Biothin® Probiotic?

    Yes. The Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™ utilizes multiple mechanisms, in addition to the conversion of carbohydrates to indigestible exopolysaccharides. L. gasseri, BNR17™ also positively influences gut health, intestinal comfort, optimal digestion and regularity, gut transit time as well as fatty acid production and breakdown.*

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